Our Services

Financial Crimes Investigation Board (“Masak”) Compliance Program and Consultancy Services

Financial Crimes Investigation Board (“Masak”) Compliance Program and Consultancy Services

MASAK (Financial Crimes Investigation Board) is crucial institution that fights financial crimes and provides financial intelligence in Turkey. MASAK Compliance Program and Consultancy Services is a unique service provided by Doğru Bağımsız Denetim and offered accordingly to help corporate customers comply with national and international laws and regulations on combating financial crimes.

MASAK Compliance Program and Consultancy Services evaluates our clients’ financial crimes policies, procedures and internal control systems. Our highly-skilled consultants from the industry help our clients for their conduct on risk assessments, develop their own compliance programs and monitor their implementation. Accordingly, our clients successfully meet their legal obligations, meet financial crime fighting standards and protect their reputations.

Besides, our compliance program and consultancy services have another mechanism for our clients to enrich their KYC (“Know Your Customer”) policies and procedures. The relevant mechanism is significant for our clients to accurate identification of their customers, detect suspicious activities and notify MASAK. Our consultants review and monitor KYC processes constantly through implementation of our services, identify deficiencies and provide our clients with strategic advice on KYC.

MASAK Compliance Program and Consultancy Services also includes training for employees of our clients. Our experts organize training programs on the fight against financial crimes, raise awareness and contribute to the creation of a culture of compliance which is considered as a main dynamic of our clients. This program ensures that all employees of our clients are aware of the fight against financial crimes.

MASAK Compliance Program and Consultancy Services contribute our clients meet legal and regulatory requirements in the fight against financial crimes. Our mechanism enables to protect our clients’ reputation, and teaches them avoid legal sanctions and strengthens the integrity of the financial system.

Consequently, MASAK Compliance Program Service is provided uniquely to our clients meet legal and regulatory requirements in the fight against financial crimes. Our service specifically designed for our clients to protect their brand reputation, helps them avoid legal sanctions and strengthens the integrity of the financial system.

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Financial Crimes Investigation Board (“Masak”) Compliance Program and Consultancy Services

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